Whether it is family, further education or your free time – with flexible working models and modern working conditions we provide you with support to help you achieve your private and professional goals. After all, top performance is based on a good foundation. In agreement with your supervisor and customers, your daily work routine can be structured individually. The project business allows us to adapt to the needs of our employees – whether it has to do with home office, part-time employment, sabbaticals or continuous education.
We place great importance on having a successful start. Therefore, our consultants are immediately assigned to customer projects. Our experience shows that this results in the shortest learning curve. In addition to their supervisor, our employees are supported by a mentor during their training phase. During the first year, mentors assist new employees with all UNITY-related and personal questions and introduces him or her to the UNITY culture.
The UNITYacademy is a core component of our development and training opportunities. Numerous seminars and training courses advance the skills of our employees in the areas of communication, project management, conflict management and personality development. In addition, the UNITYacademy offers intensive technical and methodological training. This is how we ensure that all of our consultants possess not only a high level of professional competence, but also a high level of social competence.
UNITY lives individuality: We are all unique. With the ideas, experiences and passions of each individual, we create diversity. The more diverse we are, the more successful we are as a team and the faster we enable change. A wide range of perspectives are open to our employees – whether it might be through challenging projects, living abroad or individual careers. Do you want to develop your professional skills? We support MBAs, dissertations and special training for more depth of knowledge. UNITY is known for finding individual solutions to individual problems. As an employer, we take changes and adversities in your private life into account and come up with a solution together.
We are convinced that we can achieve more as a community. We promote exchange among our employees and thus motivate them to perform at their best. All employees are regularly informed about all important topics via various channels (e.g. Microsoft Teams, social media). Training sessions, celebrations, team and site events are also an integral part of our everyday working life. In addition, all employees can participate directly in the company's success through shares.
As part of our company pension plan, we offer the option of contributing to a direct insurance policy. In addition, we promote a wide range of sports activities by sponsoring the participation in various sports events or by subsidizing membership to the Urban Sports Club. There is also the option of leasing a bicycle through JobRad. Location-specific catering options (e.g. canteen/food allowances, drinks, fruit, sweets) are also part of our offerings. Depending on your career level and needs, we also provide our employees with company cars for both personal and company use.
Team spirit, trust and acceptance form the basis for our collaboration in interdisciplinary teams. With the ideas, talents, cultural experiences and passions of all our employees, we create diversity. This diversity promotes creativity and innovation!
We promote strong cohesion and open communication with a basic seminar after you join UNITY, various team and site events, recreational events and the legendary UNITY Campus. At the UNITY Campus, all employees spend a weekend together to exchange knowledge, get to know each other, develop further and, above all, have fun.
It is important to us that all our employees live and experience appreciation. Through our open communication as well as truth and clarity, we can respond to all employees individually and promote personal development in every phase of life. This is what distinguishes our corporate culture – the special UNITY Spirit!
We continue the customer-oriented development of UNITY and the entire
UNITY Innovation Alliance (UIA) as an innovation & service partner, and thus
gain a competitive advantage. This enables us to create attractive jobs
throughout the entire group of companies that provide security for us and our
families. We take care of ourselves, our families and the UIA.
We combine the strengths of our employees, and we are careful with our resources.
Flat hierarchies, short decision-making processes, pragmatic thinking and
actions, as well as trust-based and friendly working relationships form the
basis of our positive work environment. We are extremely proud of this
unique culture – the UNITY Spirit.
We pursue our customer’s goals, do what it takes to achieve them and
ensure success. We don’t need to be at the center of attention. We take the
time for effective leadership and make our employees successful.
We don’t play office politics; we want solutions. Through precise and
transparent information, we create clarity and trust. We treat each
other with honesty, fairness and objectivity.
We show that in a management consultancy, a balance can also be
achieved in one’s career and private life. In addition, we offer many
attractive jobs other than in management consulting through opportunities
that can be found in the UNITY Innovation Alliance. Our employees
communicate their personal needs openly. We enable responsible solutions
for individual situations.
We have talented employees with many different competencies. Our employees
gain additional qualifications through our personnel development
and comprehensive training measures in the UNITYacademy and UNITYmove. Each
employee can follow five possible career paths for his or her individual
development (e.g., team leader, head of business area and project manager).
Other positions are offered by the UNITY Innovation Alliance, such as software
developer, data coach, managing director.
Each employee takes responsibility and is performance-oriented.
Our management philosophy follows the principle “encourage
and challenge.” Our culture is shaped by appreciation, openness,
and trust. We find appropriate solutions when employees are
faced with personal difficulties.
Entrepreneurial thinking and action is deeply rooted in UNITY's corporate
culture. Our ambition is to actively shape the future – both in our customer
projects and in our company’s further development. What we do ultimately
leads to entrepreneurial success.
We carry the responsibility to solve problems. We implement what
we plan. In doing so, we adhere to agreements, make clear
commitments, and keep them consistently.
We take responsibility! In our UNITY Code of Conduct, we specify binding standards for responsible behavior toward business partners and the public as well as within the company, e.g., compliance with internationally recognized human and labor rights. In addition, we support various aid and educational projects and promote community and sports.
UNITY also contributes to a climate-friendly world in the context of sustainability. A key lever for increasing climate neutrality is our project work. Whether it’s increasing energy efficiency, developing green business models, or taking sustainability goals into account in engineering, we support our clients in numerous projects to conserve natural resources and significantly reduce their carbon footprint. For this, we received the Best of Consulting Award in the Sustainability category.
In addition, UNITY is part of the UN Global Compact, is represented on the sustainability rating platform EcoVadis, and has submitted a DNK report. Our commitment is multifaceted: For example, we sponsor private charging stations for our employees and organize tree planting campaigns to offset our CO2 emissions under the motto “Together for Environmental Protection. In this way, we can all make a direct contribution to climate protection.
Sports promotes our health and keeps us fit. Plus, it’s even more fun to do sports together! Our UNITIES participate in running events at different locations, take part in soccer tournaments as well as cycling events. The annual sailing trip for our apprentices and our ski trip are also very special highlights. Through our cooperations with Jobrad and the Urban Sportsclub, you can take advantage of many opportunities to be even more active in your everyday life!
UNITY is a member of the UNITY Innovation Alliance AG. This can be divided into two groupings: On the one hand, Allianz companies realize the end-to-end digital transformation of their customers: From the conception to the concrete implementation to the efficient operation of the digital solution, they accompany the companies with their respective specific expertise. On the other hand, the UNITY Innovation Alliance acts as a strategic investor. For more than 15 years, it has invested in companies with a direct connection to UNITY’s service offerings or has taken stakes in interesting business models and services as well as in start-ups. Our employees also benefit from the mutual interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge within the group of companies. All employees also have the opportunity to be deployed within the UNITY Innovation Alliance according to their expertise and individual interests.
What are your Big Five for Life – your five life goals? John Strelecky shows in his book “The Big Five for Life” that it is important to know these: One’s own life goals should be compatible with the company’s goals in order to be happy at work. Employees who can live their own values in the company are satisfied and motivated. Do your values match ours? Then UNITY could be just the right employer for you!
Click here to see our job openings. We look forward to receiving your application!
Auch in unseren internen Bereichen setzen wir auf erfahrene und leistungsstarke Persönlichkeiten: Du verbesserst kontinuierlich den Außenauftritt von UNITY, unterstützt mit effizienten IT-Lösungen unsere Geschäftsprozesse, sorgst für eine individuelle Betreuung und Weiterentwicklung unserer Mitarbeiter oder verantwortest die Steuerung und Kontrolle unserer Finanzen – Du bist der Spezialist in deinem Fachgebiet und trägst gleichermaßen zum Wachstum von UNITY bei.
In unseren Kundenprojekten spielst du eine Schlüsselrolle: Du leitest verschiedene Projekte und steuerst aktiv die Veränderungsprozesse. Gleichzeitig kannst du neben deinen Branchenkenntnissen auch deine Methodenexpertise vertiefen. Oder ist dein Ziel eher das Management unserer Kunden und die Geschäftsentwicklung? Dann bau deine Erfahrung mit uns weiter aus.
Durch unsere vielfältigen Themenfelder arbeitest du als erfahrener Berater an der digitalen Transformation erfolgreicher Unternehmen mit – von etablierten DAX30 Unternehmen über mittelständische Unternehmen bis hin zu Global Playern.
In unseren Kundenprojekten spielst du eine Schlüsselrolle: Du leitest verschiedene Projekte und steuerst aktiv die Veränderungsprozesse. Gleichzeitig kannst du neben deinen Branchenkenntnissen auch deine Methodenexpertise vertiefen. Oder ist dein Ziel eher das Management unserer Kunden und die Geschäftsentwicklung? Dann bau deine Erfahrung mit uns weiter aus.
Dein Leben ist voller Bits und Bytes? Zuhause bist du der IT-Profi? Leetspeak oder C# sind keine Fremdwörter für dich? Du willst eigene Programme entwickeln? In deiner Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker* erstellst und realisierst du komplexe Systeme im Hard- und Softwarebereich der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik. Du bist an der Projektplanung und durchführung beteiligt. Als Auszubildender Fachinformatiker* bei UNITY wirst du Teil eines hochmotivierten Teams und wirkst vom ersten Tag der Ausbildung an bei Projekten zur Einführung der neuesten Technologien mit.
Gestalterisches Talent und Kreativität zählen zu deinen ausgeprägten Stärken? In deiner Ausbildung zum Mediengestalter* für Digital und Print bei uns kannst du diese Fähigkeiten von Beginn an voll einsetzen und weiterentwickeln. Du erlernst und perfektionierst während deiner Ausbildung den Umgang mit allen Programmen zur Erstellung von Print und Non-Print-Produkten – von der ersten Ideenskizze über die Gestaltungskonzeption und Kundenberatung bis zur rechnergestützten Realisation. Dazu gehören Broschüren, Flyer, Plakate, Anzeigen für Zeitungen und Zeitschriften sowie weitere Drucksachen genauso wie Digitalfotografie, Webdesign und HTML.
Du startest top organisiert in den Tag? Den Überblick zu behalten, fällt dir leicht? Du willst die ganze Bandbreite an kaufmännischen Tätigkeiten in eines Unternehmens erleben? In deiner Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann* durchläufst du unterschiedliche Bereiche des Unternehmens und bist dabei in den jeweiligen kaufmännischen Arbeitsabläufen voll integriert. Hierbei übernimmst du erste Verantwortung und kannst deine Ausbildung außerdem aktiv mitgestalten. Du bist Teil eines jungen, dynamischen und hoch motivierten Teams, das mit viel Spaß an der Sache und viel persönlichem Engagement die Unternehmensziele unterstützt und umsetzt.